Write down and fill in this outline. Then, go back and
create an introduction and conclusion. You will get 5 points (max) for each
roman numeral. You will receive a max of 35 for the outline. We will have class
time (2 days, but not the full class). Then it will be due.
Here is the question you are answering with this outline:
Thoroughly Discuss the Causes and Effects of the Depression? What were the
various solutions? What were criticisms leveled at the New Deal? How effective
was the New Deal? What were it’s lasting effects? I have included some
'prompting' lines around the way to help you understand the process.
I Intro (Leave Blank for now)
II Causes (The causes of the great depression were ________,
_______, ________)
A overspeculation (Define, how important)
B Govt Policy
C Unstable Econ
1 uneven prosperity
2 overproduction
3 worker issues / farm issues
III Effects
A Poverty
B Society
C World
IV Solutions
A Hoover
1 Volunteerism
2 Public Works
3 Hawley Smoot
B Roosevelt
1 new deal
a alphabet soup
b Criticsim?
2 2nd new deal
V Criticicism
B Political Criticism (ex. Came from both the ____________
and ______________)
A Conservatives
B Liberals (ex: criticised the new deal also. They....)
VI Effectiveness
A Changes in US
B Unions
C Culture
VII Conclusion
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